Over 80% of Egyptian elementary school students are now learning from revised textbooks with curriculum focused on promoting peace, and rejecting extremism.
The message appears to be that one day, in a free Iran, Israelis and Iranians will together build a future of prosperity and peace
Last weekend, the 14th conference by Democracy Today was held in Yerevan, Armenia, titled "From Global Insecurity to Common Security - Women's Role in Peacemaking."
The longevity of peace treaties with Jordan and Egypt may create the impression that these relationships are immune to crises. However, this assumption should not be put to the test.
For many Israelis, the massacre solidified their lack of faith in achieving any kind of peace with the Palestinian people.
Nihon Hidankyo praised for efforts to achieve a nuclear-free world
Approximately 12,000 people signed a petition urging the Peace Research Institute Oslo to reconsider UNRWA’s candidacy for the Nobel Prize.
In our desperation to be accepted and to finally experience peace, we have allowed the realities that go by the names of peace, ceasefires, and disarmament to be degraded and altogether denied.
A highly abridged weekly version of Dust & Stars.
A look into some of the many peace opportunities that were available and were shattered by absolute Arab rejection.