"Assad and Al-Sharaa are both enemy regimes," says Sheikh Abdallah Al-Tamimi, a Syrian scholar and peace activist who has lived in exile.
Egypt will train Palestinian police to enforce security in Gaza as part of a reconstruction plan, aligning with the Palestinian Authority on governance efforts.
The It’s Time coalition will meet in Jerusalem on May 8 & 9 at the People’s Peace Summit, bringing thousands of people from all walks of life together for a two-day summit.
The real choice before us is not between being pro-Israel or pro-Palestine. The choice is between being pro-equality, pro-justice, and pro-dignity – or pro-war, death, and destruction.
Given the degree of destruction in Gaza and the significant breach in trust on both sides, a "new Marshall Plan" is needed for Gaza’s economic recovery, rebuilding, and revival of regional stability.
Our eye-opening experiences during the program in Morocco illustrated what can be achieved, thus amplifying our hope for a future in which MENA can become a region of peace and coexistence.
Amal Tikva, a non-profit organization that works to support peacebuilding between Israelis and Palestinians, united experts, philanthropists, and civil organizations.
"I recognize that the concept of Zionism evokes among Palestinians the memories of displacement and dispossession and that Zionism is the source of trauma, mistrust, and pain for many Palestinians."
Both President Herzog and Prime Minister Netanyahu expressed condolences on their official social media.
Over 80% of Egyptian elementary school students are now learning from revised textbooks with curriculum focused on promoting peace, and rejecting extremism.