Israel Democracy Institute

Release of hostages top war goal for Israeli Jews and Arabs - poll

A majority of the population supports amending the Nation-State Law to include the principle of full equality for non-Jewish citizens of the state.

The war from an economic perspective - opinion

The current circumstances make it impossible to carry on business as usual on the economic front.


Israeli faith in gov't at lowest in at least 20 years - poll

Only 20% of Israelis still have faith in the government compared to 28% in June with the majority of the dip coming from the Right.

Rocket firings reduce during Biden trip, soar towards Tel Aviv after

Northern border remains tense; IDI: 300,000 evacuated Israelis

Nearly half of coalition voters say security worse under current gov't

The survey showed that 61% of the respondents answered that the situation today is worse compared to only 15% who answered that the situation is good.


Most Israelis prefer compromise on judicial reform - poll

The new polling data from the Israel Democracy Institute shows that while most coalition voters support the reform and most opposition voters oppose it, most overall want compromise.

Judicial reform raises risk of war crime charges - ex-IDF int'l law chief

Former IDF international law division chief Col. (res.) Eran Shamir-Borer weighed in on the threat from the International Criminal Court.

High cost of living is the issue that most concerns Israelis - survey

60% of Israelis polled blame the government for egregious living costs. Also of concern to respondents were judicial system reforms and national security.

Rothman: Open gov't inquiry into 'NSO scandal' police wiretapping

Gottlieb said, "No one can pass the audit on themselves, and we should think about examining things with a governmental or state investigative committee."

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