high tech

Israeli business executives look ahead to 2024

“Despite the adverse conditions, I remain optimistic about the future. The Israeli economy, and the hi-tech sector, in particular, is robust and has the will to recover,” said Itay Gura.

Israel grants Intel $3.2 billion for new $25 billion chip plant

Shares of Intel, which has a bit less than 10% of its global workforce in Israel, opened up 2.73% at $49.28 on Nasdaq.


Tech initiative to transform Negev economy, create hundreds of jobs

Place-IL is set to launch a program that aims to create hundreds of jobs in the Western Negev region over the next 3-4 years.

Artificial intelligence can predict events in people’s lives and even their deaths

A Danish study analyzed registry data on residence, education, income, health, and working conditions to make predictions with high accuracy,

Amidst chaos of the war, students from southern, northern Israel persist in study program

The expansion of Nitzanim aims to address the shortage of math and computer science teachers in these areas, bolstering educational opportunities for the youth.

Coronavirus & Israeli Tech

IIA to finance three Angel Investor clubs to bolster hi-tech amid war

The Innovation Authority’s latest effort aims to increase private investor activity within Israel to bolster it against the damage caused by the war with Hamas.

Economists forecast unemployment surge, Q4 contraction amid war

Others believe it’s far too soon to know what the extent of the war’s damage on Israel’s economy will be.

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