Foreign Ministry

What happened to the role of foreign minister?

The departure of Foreign Minister Eli Cohen is symptomatic of a neglect that the ministry has faced for decades.

Health Min. to ICRC president: Hostages’ medical conditions deteriorating

At the meeting, the Health Ministry officials presented serious information and evidence about the mental and health condition of the abductees who returned to Israel from Hamas captivity.

Israeli missions worldwide illuminate in orange for red-headed child hostages

The Foreign Ministry has directed all Israeli embassies and consulates to light their buildings in orange or display images of the Bibas family.

Foreign Ministry stalls hasbara over lack of budget

The ministry has already shut down its hasbara efforts in Persian and Russian for the same reason.

Israel FM: Israel has a diplomatic clock of only 2-3 weeks for Gaza war

“From a diplomatic point of view, we recognize that pressure has begun to bear on Israel. The pressure is not very high [now], but it is increasing,” Cohen said.

Gov't could free up over NIS 2.5 billion by closing redundant ministries

Out of 32 current ministries, 25 could be said to be standard ministries that are essential to running the country as a Jewish and democratic nation.

Iran trying to open front against Israel in Syria, official says

The original post also said "the Israelis are determined to prevent" such developments. To that, Zarka responded: "We are."

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