
The latest science news and developments - from space, to physics, chemistry, zoology, astronomy, and earth sciences

Chlamydia-related bacteria had infected brown widow spiders around the world - BGU

The study concluded that "spiders from Israel were more likely to carry Rhabdochlamydia than those from the US and South Africa."

Asteroid the size of 258 UEFA Euros trophies to pass Earth in close flyby - NASA

Asteroid 2024 MK is around 154.9 meters wide, around the size of 258 Henri Delaunay trophies won during UEFA European Football Championships (Euros). And it's flying very close to Earth.


Giant asteroid the size of 770 lions to pass Earth Thursday, June 27 - NASA

Using the ESA's measurement, asteroid (415029) 2011 UL21 is around the size of 770 adult male lions from head to tail. 


Israeli innovation strikes again: TAU invents self-repairing adhesive glass

The new glass type is expected to revolutionize optics and electro-optics, satellite communication, remote sensing and biomedicine.  

Space debris crashes into Florida home, family sues for damages

The space agency said they will continue to investigate why the hardware did not burn up during entry and update their systems so it does not occur again. 

What makes Cupid’s arrow hit the right target?

In sync: The biological underpinnings of romantic attraction and bonding are studied by Hebrew University psychologists

Rise and shine: Scientists watch black hole 'wake up' and emit light in far-off galaxy

The phenomenon that was observed is known as an active galactic nucleus, which is when the supermassive black hole start to shine even brighter due to the activity at the galactic core.


New study finds birds of prey use unique air sac to soar to great distances

Unlike the lungs of mammals, bird lungs do more than just breathe. An air-filled sac within the birds’ lungs is thought to increase the force the birds use to power flight muscles while soaring.

Finding a ‘shidduch’ for dogs in shelters can reduce their stress and make them more adoptable

“Many potential adopters might already have a dog or would like to engage in social activities with their dog,” researchers said.

Małgorzata Jarovka-Krzemkowska

Genome study shows how horses galloped into human history

The genomic evidence showed that horses were first domesticated in Central Asia - northern Kazakhstan to be precise - about 5,500 years ago by people from what is called the Botai culture.

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