Diaspora Jewry is the collective name for the Jewish communities outside of the Land of Israel. Historically, these communities go back to big historical events like the Babylonian exile, the siege of Jerusalem and the expulsion from Spain. Today, the biggest Diaspora communities exist in the United States, France, Canada, the UK and Russia.
The gang was responsible for the January 2024 Israel Stockholm embassy attack, and its leader, Rawa Majid, maintains links with Iran's global terror network, according to both Mossad and Washington.
CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp and his wife Mercedes Schlapp are also due to travel to Israel in the coming weeks. They will meet with Diaspora Affairs and Combatting Antisemitism Minister Amichai Chikli.
The family of Lilly Cassirer are seeking the return of the oil painting Camille Pissarro’s 'Rue St. Honoré, dans l’après-midi. Effet de pluie.'
The rescue's founder was devastated by the announcement of their murders in captivity.
Within Our Lifetime sought to disrupt Mayor Eric Adams's Iftar dinner, with the anti-Israel group claiming that it was a "sham" and "disgraceful photo-op."
The hearing is expected to deal mostly with scheduling matters, lawyers for both sides said in a joint court filing on Tuesday evening.
TPS Muslim Liaison officers Farhan Ali and Haroon Siddiqui made the controversial statements during a now-deleted episode of the Project Olive Branch.
Kun and his brother Istvan survived Auschwitz in part due to the fact that Dr. Mengele believed them to be twins and thus spared them from the gas chambers.
The footage of Thornberry, an MP for Islington South, Finsbury, and De Beauvoir, was published on Tuesday without her consent, an act which she called "unacceptable."
The Jewish Federations of North America, which condemned last year’s anti-Israel campus protests, said it does not have a statement on the arrest.